사례 연구

Calix, Spirent Velocity로 단일 자동화된 랩으로 통합


Customer Overview. Calix Inc. is a global provider of cloud and software platforms, systems and services required to deliver unified access networks and smart premises. Calix platforms and services help their customers build next generation networks by embracing a DevOps operating model, optimizing the subscriber experience and turning the complexity of the smart home and business into new revenue streams.

The Challenge. Calix identified that deployment of NG-PON2 (Next Generation Passive Optical Network) across enterprises, Wi-Fi 6, 5G fronthaul, IoT and consumer broadband segments would significantly increase the complexity of product development and scale of testing required. Furthermore, the dramatic increase in network capacity enabled by NG-PON2 made it uneconomical to follow a traditional paradigm of scaling out testing across geographically distributed labs.

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